During the Shabbat before vacation, the 6th grade had their annual grade-wide Shabbaton. Ahead of the Shabbaton, the students created center pieces and Havdalah bsamim as well as watched a video about what it means to be a “hero.” The Shabbaton began with an inspiring Kabbalat Shabbat during which the 6th graders erupted into spontaneous singing and dancing as we welcomed in the Shabbat queen! After Tefillah, the students participated in Chavrutah learning as they studied Jewish sources on what it means to be heroic. Students then brought their ruach to dinner, divrei torah, paper bag dramatics, and finally the much-anticipated teacher skit. Mrs. Benjamin, Rabbi Koslowe, Rabbi Hagler, Rabbi Wasser, Mrs. Troodler, Ms. Peyser, Ms. Chanales, Mrs. Shapiro, Morah Shira, Rabbi Kurtz, and Mrs. Solomon all joined in the Shabbaton with their families Friday night. The theme of what it means to be a hero and how students can be everyday heroes was intertwined through each activity, story and learning session. Students returned Shabbat afternoon for more learning, activities, zemirot and a special story by Rabbi Hagler. We were joined by Akiva, Ezra, Shabbi, Yehoshua, and Ahmos, all wonderful alumni who helped waiter and provide help with the programming. We were graciously hosted by Cong. Rinat Yisrael.
Below are two students’ favorite memories and moments from the shabbaton in their own words:
One of my favorite things about the shabbaton was that no one felt uncomfortable, or insecure. No one was allowed to create drama, or leave any one out. When we sat down at our tables for the two meals (both shabbos dinners) we were encouraged to branch out and sit with people that we don't normally sit with so often. We were encouraged to make sure that everyone had a place to sit and that everybody was included in all of the activities.
- Yonina
Overall, I think that this year's 6th grade shabbaton was awesome. For me, the highlight of the shabbaton was getting up and saying a dvar torah that my father (and yes, I do look up to him for advice) didn't understand. And not just that, Everyone that gave me feedback told me that it was either "Amazing", "Beyond words", "Outstanding", or "D.J.! You are a budding Tzadik!"
- DJ