Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Spotlight on Teachers - Mrs. Malka Shapiro

Mrs. Malka Shapiro

What subjects do you teach?
I teach a math and advisory class in 7th grade.
For 8th grade, I teach two English classes as well as study skill classes.
Why do you "2000px-Heart_corazón.svg.png" Yeshivat Noam?
I love the environment that I work in. It is a pleasure coming to school daily and have a great rapport with my fellow coworkers; whether we are bouncing ideas off of each other, encouraging each other to try new things in the classroom, or merely having fun brewing coffee in the morning. It is so satisfying to be a member of such a wonderful group of educators who love teaching, love their students and who are always looking to grow as educators. One can't help but improve one's self when surrounded by such co-workers.

Please share your philosophy about children, middle school education, or education in general.
Sometimes, the children I work with have internalized a sense of failure. When I taught math, or now when teaching English and Chumash, I believe that one of my main goals is to allow the child to reinvent him/herself, and to learn to believe in his/her abilities. Every child can reach their goal, and too often, a lack of self-confidence inhibits success.

What aspects about working in the middle school are most exciting for you, explain why.
I enjoy the way that the middle school implements new technology every year. Every year that I have taught here, we have implemented some new type of technology. It has pushed me as an educator to find new and exciting ways to teach my students as well as offer me new resources to use for my students. I appreciate that the technology department has found new websites for me to incorporate in my classroom to help me differentiate for my students.

Spotlight on Teachers- Mrs. Rena Lehman

Mrs. Rena Lehman

What subjects do you teach?

Please share your philosophy about children, middle school education, or education in general.
While teaching math, I often hear: “why do I have to know this?” or “when will I ever have to use this in life?”. While I may not always have an immediate convincing reply, I keep such queries in mind as I develop lessons. Students often do not see the immediate relevance; therefore, it is part of my responsibility as an educator to continuously build on students’ prior knowledge and connect learning with real world applications. For some lessons this involves reading and writing about mathematics, while for others a variety of meaningful problem-solving opportunities are presented. When applicable, I am always in favor of integrating technological tools to tech savvy middle schoolers. Incorporating Google Spreadsheet applications is often a favorite of mine, as well as a winner with math students. Whether it be to help students understand the power of variables or to analyze statistical data with the creation of graphs and charts, the technology makes the math come alive. I continuously try to adopt new approaches to foster and encourage independent thinking from a wide range of diverse learners.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I enjoy running and yoga when I have spare time.

What aspects about working in the middle school are most exciting for you, explain why.
I love working in middle school because there is so much more to the role of a teacher than just what goes on in the classroom. We also have the opportunity to be advisers, to help students navigate social interactions, work on their middot and become leaders. We greet the students when they arrive in the morning, guide them through their day and escort them onto their buses as they leave to go home. Each day brings something new and this makes it such an exciting job!

Spotlight on Teachers - Mrs. Jessie Tabak

Mrs. Jessie Tabak

What subjects do you teach?
I teach English and SLS (Student Learning Skills), and I work with small groups of students to allow them to be more successful in their Chumash classes.  
Why do you "2000px-Heart_corazón.svg.png" Yeshivat Noam?
Having support, whether it be from co-workers or administrators, is something that really helps me everyday. Knowing that I have many people to turn to during school, or after school hours, allows me to be more successful and in turn, help my students more.

Please share your philosophy about children, middle school education, or education in general.
Sometimes, the children I work with have internalized a sense of failure. When I taught math, or now when teaching English and Chumash, I believe that one of my main goals is to allow the child to reinvent him/herself, and to learn to believe in his/her abilities. Every child can reach their goal, and too often, a lack of self-confidence inhibits success.

Tell us about your family.
My husband, Daniel, is earning his PhD in Medieval Jewish History through YU's Revel program. We have two daughter, Shoshana and Aliza, who light up our lives.

Spotlight on Teachers- Rabbi Ben Pomper

Rabbi Benjamin Pomper

What subjects do you teach?
Gemara and Navi
Why do you "2000px-Heart_corazón.svg.png" Yeshivat Noam?
I love Yeshivat Noam because of its warm environment, people feel cared about.

What do you look forward to each day at work?
I look forward to inspiring students.

Tell us about your family.
My wife is Sarah, I have 4 children; moshe-7, tzvi-5, kayla- 2, adina - 3 months.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I learn Torah, coach hockey, and play golf.

Spotlight on Teachers- Mrs. Miriam Shteingart

Mrs. Miriam Shteingart

What subjects do you teach?
Why do you "2000px-Heart_corazón.svg.png" Yeshivat Noam?
Yeshivat Noam is such a unique place. There is a constant atmosphere of joy throughout the building. Both the teachers and students always seem genuinely happy to be in school. The enthusiasm is contagious and it is hard not to want to become a part of the family.

Please share your philosophy about children, middle school education, or education in general.
I once saw a quote by Benjamin Franklin and I feel that it really encompasses my philosophy of teaching. He said: ““Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” My goal for each and every one of my lessons is to enable students to experience the concepts we learn, for them to get their hands wet and for the content to come alive. When they are involved in the learning process and pushed to discover for themselves, what they learn will stay with them forever.

Tell us about your family.
My family and I just recently moved to Teaneck, NJ. My husband, Eli, is studying to become a dentist. We have an adorable 6 month old baby boy named Shua who is studying how to sit up without toppling over (it’s harder than it looks!).

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to spend my spare time outdoors doing activities like hiking, boating, swimming and playing sports. I also like to discover and visit new places as well as attempt DIY projects and play board games with my family.

What aspects about working in the middle school are most exciting for you, explain why.
I love working in middle school because there is so much more to the role of a teacher than just what goes on in the classroom. We also have the opportunity to be advisers, to help students navigate social interactions, work on their middot and become leaders. We greet the students when they arrive in the morning, guide them through their day and escort them onto their buses as they leave to go home. Each day brings something new and this makes it such an exciting job!

Spotlight on Teachers - Rabbi Ellie Kurtz

Rabbi Elie Kurtz

What subjects do you teach?
Why do you "2000px-Heart_corazón.svg.png" Yeshivat Noam?
I love Yeshivat Noam, because it is a very special place where the students know they are cared for and educated in a most positive learning environment.

What do you look forward to each day at work?
I look forward to learning Torah with my precious talmidim and talmidot. There is nothing more special than getting to do that on a daily basis.

Please share your philosophy about children, middle school education, or education in general.
I believe that every student has to feel that their opinion matters. They have to feel comfortable and empowered to succeed. When a teacher creates that culture in their classroom, the students can soar.

Tell us about your family.
I live in Highland Park, NJ with my wonderful wife Elana (who teaches 1st grade in Yeshivat Noam). We have 2 beautiful children. Esther Gitty is 5 years old, and Shmuel is 4. Yeshivat Noam is all about family, and my sister in-law, Mrs. Ricki Kurtz, also teaches in the middle school.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love spending time with my family, learning Torah, and watching or playing sports.

What aspects about working in the middle school are most exciting for you, explain why.
In the Middle School we are a family. We help each other, and shares our lives with one another. The students are starting to grow and be responsible young adults, and we get to assist them in that most important endeavor.

Describe a positive moment from this year so far that stood out to you.
The girls that I have the honor of teaching again, after having taught them last year, remembered all of the principles that we worked so hard on mastering last year. There is something special in seeing the continued growth and progress of students, and being able to continue with them on their journey.

Spotlight on Teachers- Mrs. Rochelie Benjamin

Mrs. Rochelie Benjamin

What subjects do you teach?
I teach Chumash, English and SLS
Why do you "2000px-Heart_corazón.svg.png" Yeshivat Noam?
I absolutely love Yeshivat Noam because it truly is the most incredible school. The atmosphere is always friendly and warm. All members of the staff are on a never ending journey to continuously improve their skills and provide the very best education to their students. I have taught in other schools before joining the Noam family and I truly feel like Yeshivat Noam provides a unique educational experience for all of its students.  

What do you look forward to each day at work?
Seeing my students overcome a challenge and proving to themselves just how smart and capable they are.

Please share your philosophy about children, middle school education, or education in general.
My educational philosophy is a fairly simple one. I believe that students should feel empowered and inspired by their teachers on daily basis. As a special educator I have seen how challenging school can be for a struggling student and my goal is for that child to recognize their individual strengths and feel confident in themselves as a person. I strongly feel that school provides much more than a formal education, it is the day to day life experiences that we are providing for hundreds of children. My ultimate goal is for my students to be happy and look forward to coming back to school each day.

Tell us about your family.
I am the proud mommy of a very delicious 3 year old Dovid and a very adorable 9 month old Naava. There is a great chance that I am slightly biased :)

What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my spare time I love hanging out with my husband and kids. I can usually be found building zoos (with Dovid, not alone!) out of magna tiles but occasionally I try and read a good book too.

What aspects about working in the middle school are most exciting for you, explain why.
Previously I have taught in first and fourth grade classrooms and now that I work with 6th graders I've come to appreciate the middle school age level. It is such a wonderful experience teaching students who have begun to form higher level opinions and thoughts and can engage in more meaningful conversations.

Describe a positive moment from this year so far that stood out to you.
When students from previous years pass me in the hall and give me big smiles. I love seeing how much they've grown as individuals and academically.

7G Shabbaton an Incredible Experience- Mrs. Barbra Solomon

In order to create a feeling of achdut, ruach, and give leadership opportunities to our girls... 7G had its shabbaton this past shabbos.  7th grade girls organized into committees a few weeks ago, picked a theme and began organizing and planning their shabbaton.  It culminated this weekend in a shabbaton experience that exceeded all of our expectations.  Highlights included (all created, organized, and ran/ led by students); Divrei Torah, Shiur, Zemirot, Games, Decorations, Seudot, Melava Malka (pictured here).  
One of the most special parts of the shabbaton was eating at Rabbi Hagler's, Rabbi Motechin's, and Mrs. Sheinfeld's house for lunch.  Thank you to the girls for all their effort and hard work in making this shabbaton such a success! Thank you to the teachers who participated as well: Mrs. Barbra Solomon, Morah Shira Greenspan, Mrs. Malka Shapiro, Ms. Aliza Chanales, Rabbi Hagler, Rabbi Motechin, Mrs. Troodler, Mrs. Sari Sheinfeld, Mrs. Samara Wasserman

Yeshivat Noam Hosts Debate! - Coach Rabbi Jeremy Hellman

Fabulous job done by the whole team!  First place individual win and first place team winners pictured below.  Kol Hakavod!!

Saying thank you just in time for Thanksgiving!- Ms. Aliza Chanales

Students spent recess time the past two weeks writing thank you notes to important people they interact with in school such as administrators, teachers, support staff etc.  To say that it brightened each receiver's day is an understatement.

6th Grade Math- Mrs. Sari Sheinfeld

What it looks like when you "speak math" in 6th grade!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

6th Grade Trip to Branchburg! - Ms. Aliza Chanales- 6th Grade Team Leader

Every year, once the sixth graders are fully immersed in middle school life, we officially welcome and reward them with a fun trip, designed to help the students bond as a unified grade, establish a culture of joy and encouragement, and take a break from the ever increasing academic workload. This year, students traveled to the Branchburg Sports Complex to participate in sports, ga ga, mazes, arcades, and laser tag. It was amazing to see them physically active for a whole day, to see how inclusive and kind they were to each other, how respectful they were to the staff and adults, and how much enjoyment they got from spending time with each other and with their teachers. What a wonderful way to celebrate the transition to middle school and gear up for a fabulous year! 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friendship Circle - 8th Grade Girls - Ms. Barbra Solomon

Yesterday, November 6th, the 8th Grade girls accompanied the Friendship Circle members on a trip to SAR High School. They enjoyed art and music supervised by an SAR faculty member. The Noam girls were hands on and completely focused on making sure that it was a great experience. They laughed, sang, danced, and participated in all aspects of the program. In addition, the Noam girls jumped right into the program the second the Friendship Circle children arrived. They were amazing to watch and truly made the day amazing.

Erev Shabbos Ruach!

Every Friday, we start the morning with Erev Shabbos Ruach as students arrive on their bus!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

6th Grade Math- Mrs. Rena Lehman

Which MacBook to Buy?

As a math instructor and former technology educator, two priority goals I have when creating lessons are to make each one relevant and to incorporate technology when applicable. Recently, I implemented these goals for my 6th grade math classes with a lesson on Measures of Central Tendency. I began with a pre-assessment on the definitions and formulae for mean, mode, median, range, and outlier. Instead of just providing random numbers for students to compute, I incorporated real and relevant data on various technology products. The students enjoyed calculating the means, modes, and medians for the prices, weights, and displays of different laptops and comparing the results. The lesson did not end there. On the following day, the students all created spreadsheets to display the data and then continued to learn how to enter formulae into cells. I look forward to having students expand their technology knowledge and apply their spreadsheet skills with future math lessons.