Monday, December 8, 2014

Lunch Daf Yomi at Yeshivat Noam! -- Rabbi Ben Pomper

Since Sukkot, a consistent group of students have been using their lunch period to learn "Daf Yomi" with Rabbi Pomper. The program is based on a curriculum developed by an organization in Israel called "Talmud Yisraeli" which takes one concept from each Daf of Gemara and explains it in language and terms appropriate for middle school-aged children. It is amazing to see the commitment from the group to volunteer to learn every day! In the relatively short time that the Daf Yomi has been meeting, the group has gained a tremendous knowledge in various areas of Torah that they would not have  been exposed to otherwise. Completion of each Perek is noted with a Siyum to celebrate the accomplishment. What an impressive way to spend one's lunch!