In 8th grade Student Learning Skills class with Mrs. Shapiro, the students have been working on various study skills and reading text skills over the past months. Recently, the students were assigned a research project in their Social Studies class where they have to research one shtetl in Europe in depth or compare two shtetls from different sides of Europe. The students created 3-Dimensional organizers to help them organize their research and thoughts in a logical order.
To make your own you will need the following materials:
- File folder
- 3 envelopes cut in half
- index cards
- tape/glue
- pen/marker
-Open the file folder and glue/tape 5 of envelope pockets to the folder.
-Label each pocket-- the information that will be written in that paragraph
and a letter identifying the pocket “number”
-On the front of the file folder write down the sources you will be using labeling those with numbers
-When you begin to research, write facts down onto index cards. Label the top of the index card with the corresponding pocket number and source number.
-After research is complete, take all the index cards from one pocket and organize them in a logical order based on content.
-Use the notes from the index cards and combine them with other facts to create a paragraph.