Friday, December 27, 2013

Rabbi Kessel's Shabbaton

Rabbi Kessel's class embarked on a shiur shabbaton in Clifton, NJ this past weekend. The boys were greeted at the door with mini hot dogs and soda, a foreshadowing of all the good food that lied ahead. Friday Night, the boys davened in Kol Yeshurun followed by a delicious seudah with Divrei Torah by Eli Schloss and Matthew Ganchrow. The boys then went to the Beis Medrash for an hour night seder followed by a late night Chulent! Shabbos morning began with the shiur making their own minyan with every bar mitzvah boy splitting up the laining. The Seudas Shabbos featured more delicious food, singing and divrei torah from Joe Baron and Avraham Kahan. In the afternoon, the boys relaxed and had a very intense pool and mini-hockey tournament. As Shalosh Seudos rolled around, the boys had worked up an appetite, however the highlight was the singing led by Ben Antosofsky and Eitan Waldman. After Maariv and Havdala the boys went home uplifted and well fed. The shabbaton was summed up by Matthew Ganchrow "it was the best 25 hours of my life!"