Friday, March 21, 2014

Bayit Rishon Museum Update- Ms. Aliza Peyser and Rabbi Jeremy Hellman- 6th Grade Social Studies

The sixth grade students' devoted effort as researchers and sculptors was reflected in their beautiful Bayit Rishon artifact exhibit.   The exhibit featured artifacts from the time of the first Beit Hamikdash such as the Lachish Relief, Chizkiyahu's Tunnels, Sennacherib's Annals, the House of Ahiel, and clay bullae.  Next to each artifact stood the students' pamphlets which included an explanatory paragraph, pictures of the original artifact, and relevant pesukim.  The sixth grade welcomed teachers and seventh and eighth grade students as visitors to the museum and knowledgeably described the artifacts to the visitors.  It was wonderful for the students to study Jewish History and Tanach through the lens of Ancient History.  The eighth grade students will study this Bayit Rishon time period through the lens of Tanach in their Navi classes this year.  Thank you to Morah Shira, Mrs. Weinberg and Mrs. Solomon for  preparing their students for the museum visit!