The 7th grade science class is hard at work for the upcoming Earth Expo. This week, students began their individual research on an ecological issue faced by an ecosystem of their choice. These individual topics were chosen in conference with their group who together chose a specific biome. Individual research will then be pooled together so that students will all be able to gather information about different ecological issues faced by different ecosystems in their biome allowing them to gain a greater scope of issues faced by their group's biome. Student's research will each be compiled as an essay which the rest of their group will read to further their knowledge of their biome. This coming week each group will begin to design an experiment to test an issue related to their biome. They will be looking for a problem and testing different solutions; using the scientific method, they will gain a greater appreciation for the issues faced by plants and animals in the biome they are learning about. The collected data will then be analyzed and conclusions will be drawn which they will present at the Earth Expo.
8th Grade- Mrs. Barbara Sehgal
In this unit, Energy and the Earth Expo, our 8th graders are focused in the discussion of real world issues. They are grappling with big questions such as “ What is energy? , “Where does energy come from?” “Is there a best and most efficient energy production method?” Together as a class we have used the technology and resources available in our school to begin to build a foundation of knowledge We have learned about different types of energy and energy sources. The 8th graders have also learned about energy production methods and have through their research have begun to discuss and debate the benefits and short comings of these technologies. In the next step we will start to build, test and model the concepts we are learning about.
This week students
investigated the parts of a circuit and how energy flows.