The H.O.P.E. (Helping Organizations Provide Essentials) Jewish Teen Philanthropy program is now in its 5th year at Yeshivat Noam and is facilitated by Areyvut. H.O.P.E. is for a select group of 7th graders and is the only such program implemented by a day school in the tri-state area. The participants are part of a Teen Foundation and work as a Board, to develop a mission, learn about community needs and to ultimately determine where to allocate $2,000.
The H.O.P.E. participants have had two sessions so far. In the first session, participants learned about mission statements, budgets and had a brief introduction to the world and language of philanthropy. They used Values Clarification Cards to determine what type of social need they were interested in addressing. After a lively conversation, they ultimately decided on addressing issues in Healthcare. In the second session, they learned about RFP’s or Requests for Proposals and developed a list of questions to submit to agencies. They narrowed down a list of 11 possible healthcare related agencies to 4: Chai Lifeline, Project Sunshine, Sharsheret, and Shirat Devorah. The participants are looking forward to receiving RFPs from these agencies and reviewing them in the next session.
We look forward to a successful and rewarding program.
Areyvut is a non-profit whose mission is to infuse the lives of Jewish