7G1 engaged in a fierce trial prosecuting those who each lawyer (7G1 student) thought was most responsible for the sin and resulting consequence of the generation of the Midbar not inheriting the land. The presiding judges were the honorable Judge Tabak, the honorable Judge Katz and the honorable Judge Halpert. Our timekeepers were the diligent Leia, and timely Amira. Cases were made by applying supportive texts, integration of meaningful parshanut such as the ideas of Rashi, the Ramban, Rav Yaakov Meidan and Rav Elchanan Samet, and respectful and professional language. After two fierce rounds of debates, there was a two way tie between Noa Esq. (prosecuting the ten guilty Meraglim) and Chana Esq.(prosecuting Moshe Rabbeinu).
While this time in our national history is difficult to learn about as the consequences had such dire ramifications, acknowledging and learning about our past mistakes empowers us to do what we can to ensure that we never repeat them.