- You go on the best trip of your school career to Lake George.
- You enjoy your 8th grade privileges of eating outside, not wearing uniform etc.
- You march in the Israel Day Parade, proudly holding the banners and flags.
- You build race cars and power them with soda and Mentos.
- You learn Torah each and every day, hearing from Torah giants like Ms. Elana Flaumenhauft, Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rabbi Eli Ciner, Mr. Charlie Harary, Rabbi Avi Wasser, Rabbi Alex Mondrow, Mrs. Aliza Weinberg and Rabbi Andrew Markowitz.
- You do chessed by going to a food bank and sorting food for hours to help the food bank organize.
- You spend the day bonding with your classmates and teachers outside of school during a full day of fun activities.
- You practice for graduation ALOT!
- You hug and cry ALOT!
- You fill out an alumni form and meet with our director of development so that we can all keep in touch for years to come.
- You sign our very first Yeshivat Noam fish tank as a legacy project.
- You sign the yearbooks you worked for months creating , for hours on end.
- You daven every single day, both on the days you have school as well as going to the minyan at BY on the days once school is over.
- You say tehillim for the kidnapped students at your graduation as well as at your banquet.
- You create a powerful video memorializing your classmate Sari Ort z"l.
- You celebrate your graduation at a BBQ, at a banquet, and then yet again at a movie night... all at school with your administrators, teachers, and friends.
- By making the best graduation video ever! Happy Video Graduation 2014
Finally, you don't ever say goodbye for good. You always know that we will be here to welcome you back with open arms as your Yeshivat Noam family.