The 6th grade girls have risen to the challenge of creating a meaningful tefilla experience for themselves. "We get to daven together every Shacharit," one girl said, "And we chose special themes for each day of the week to help make each day special and then we have something to look forward to."
Our weekly schedule, designed by the girls themselves, goes as follows:
- Meaningful Move Mondays- we watch a meaningful video and discuss its impact on our tefilla
- Talky Tuesdays- we talk about a part of tefilla that we are unfamiliar with (like Tachanun or Slichot) so that we can grow in our understanding of be'ur tefilla
- What We Want Wednesdays- we emphasize our bakashot for Hashem and practice using respectful language that is appropriate for such asking
- Thoughtful, Thankful Thursdays- gratitude and praise become the focus of our tefilla. We engage in meaningful activities to help facilitate and encourage this
- Flappy Focused Fridays- we take an extra moment to focus our kavanah before each individual part of tefilla as well as revisit the section we learned about on Talky Tuesday and try our best to say that new part with extra umph.
Through the initiative of these driven and passionate students, our tefillot are ready, more than ever, for 5775! Shana tova!