Sunday, September 14, 2014

Game Based Learning in 8th Grade Chumash- Morah Shira Greensan

There is a growing movement in the world of education which encourages that kids learn by doing what kids do best: games! This week, Morah Shira's 8th grade Chumash classes began their study of Perek 23 of Sefer Vayikra which highlights all of the d'orita holidays. In teams of 6, each team member took on the mastery of one of the mo'adim. They intricately reviewed each of the psukim pertaining to their mo'ed in preparation for the big competition.
After their chabura prep time, we reconvened to determine which team had collectively mastered their mo'adim most successfully. The students had a mere few minutes to organize various, out of context facts and details quoted from the psukim into the different categories of each mo'ed. In this high energy game of matching and memory, students were engaged in the learning process 100% of the class time. Now that they are well versed in the basics of the psukim, they are ready to begin delving deeper next week.
We look forward to announcing the winning teams, the teams who most accurately matched the facts and details to their appropriate mo'adim, on Monday.