Sunday, September 14, 2014
New Solar Panel Presentation by Expert Ms. Aliza Wasserman - Ms. Barbara Sehgal- 8th Grade Science
This week the 8th grade was able to meet with Aliza Wasserman from the National Governor’s Association. Ms. Wasserman, analyzes various issues in the areas of electric and environmental policy, including utility business models, analyzing state pathways for federal greenhouse gas rules, energy efficiency, shale development and hydraulic fracturing, economic development, renewable energy and water.( http://www.nga.org) Ms. Wasserman explained the fundamentals of how energy travels to our homes and how the solar panels being installed on the roof of our middle school will have an impact not only on the YNoam's energy bill but also support the energy needs of the community around us. Ms. Wasserman was excited that YNoam was aware of the possible problems linked to energy consumption and the need for alternative renewable energy like our solar panels. She spoke about Global warming, climate changes and how this might occur. Ms. Wasserman extrapolated what might happen to mosquitoes, poison ivy, polar bears and other environmental concerns if we do not start thinking about more efficient and renewable energy platforms. Ms. Wasserman also gave a gift to the 8th grade class. It was a set of 6 solar panel-motorized toys. She hopes that as the students play with them they will explore and learn more about alternative energy solutions. You could already hear the whispers as the students left the assembly, about what they might build for this year’s Earth Expo! A heartfelt thank you to Mrs. Samara Wasserman (MS English) for working with her sister in-law and bringing this presentation to YNoam. To read more about Ms. Wasserman and the National Governor’s Association click on this site: http://www.nga.org/cms/home/ about/nga-expert-profiles/ col2-content/nga-center-for- best-practices/content- reference-12@/aliza-wasserman. html