Thursday, November 13, 2014

6th Grade Trip to Branchburg! - Ms. Aliza Chanales- 6th Grade Team Leader

Every year, once the sixth graders are fully immersed in middle school life, we officially welcome and reward them with a fun trip, designed to help the students bond as a unified grade, establish a culture of joy and encouragement, and take a break from the ever increasing academic workload. This year, students traveled to the Branchburg Sports Complex to participate in sports, ga ga, mazes, arcades, and laser tag. It was amazing to see them physically active for a whole day, to see how inclusive and kind they were to each other, how respectful they were to the staff and adults, and how much enjoyment they got from spending time with each other and with their teachers. What a wonderful way to celebrate the transition to middle school and gear up for a fabulous year!