In order to create a feeling of achdut, ruach, and give leadership opportunities to our girls... 7G had its shabbaton this past shabbos. 7th grade girls organized into committees a few weeks ago, picked a theme and began organizing and planning their shabbaton. It culminated this weekend in a shabbaton experience that exceeded all of our expectations. Highlights included (all created, organized, and ran/ led by students); Divrei Torah, Shiur, Zemirot, Games, Decorations, Seudot, Melava Malka (pictured here).
One of the most special parts of the shabbaton was eating at Rabbi Hagler's, Rabbi Motechin's, and Mrs. Sheinfeld's house for lunch. Thank you to the girls for all their effort and hard work in making this shabbaton such a success! Thank you to the teachers who participated as well: Mrs. Barbra Solomon, Morah Shira Greenspan, Mrs. Malka Shapiro, Ms. Aliza Chanales, Rabbi Hagler, Rabbi Motechin, Mrs. Troodler, Mrs. Sari Sheinfeld, Mrs. Samara Wasserman