What subjects do you teach?
I teach English and SLS (Student Learning Skills), and I work with small groups of students to allow them to be more successful in their Chumash classes.
Why do you "
" Yeshivat Noam?
Having support, whether it be from co-workers or administrators, is something that really helps me everyday. Knowing that I have many people to turn to during school, or after school hours, allows me to be more successful and in turn, help my students more.
Please share your philosophy about children, middle school education, or education in general.
Sometimes, the children I work with have internalized a sense of failure. When I taught math, or now when teaching English and Chumash, I believe that one of my main goals is to allow the child to reinvent him/herself, and to learn to believe in his/her abilities. Every child can reach their goal, and too often, a lack of self-confidence inhibits success.
Tell us about your family.
My husband, Daniel, is earning his PhD in Medieval Jewish History through YU's Revel program. We have two daughter, Shoshana and Aliza, who light up our lives.