Tuesday, February 25, 2014

7th Grade Girls' Shabbaton - #7 Spectacular!

A few weeks ago, the 7th grade girls ran their own shabbaton around the theme of the number 7.  Planning started a month before with the girls breaking into committees and planning each part of the shabbat experience.  The week before students on all committees worked hard to prepare.  Games were created, decorations bought and made, skits practiced, divrei torah and shiurim written and the food committee even went to the Hagler's house to cook Shabbos lunch for the Shabbaton.

The Shabbaton began with davening at Congregation Rinat and a shiur by Morah Shira Greenspan on the topic of the number 7 in Judaism.  When the girls walked into dinner they were greeted with place settings that had their names and wonderful thoughts about each of them that their classmates had written and Morah Shira compiled.  

The girls then had dinner, led Zmirot and gave Divrei Torah.  Students created Shabbatograms for their teachers that they left on the table for a shabbat surprise.  The Shabbatograms included lovely letters telling each teacher how and why they appreciate them.  The night ended with a skit they created and performed that chronicled their day at Yeshivat Noam in 7th grade.  Each staff member was laughing while being entertained by the girls' dramatization of each of them and their classes.  

Shabbat morning began with tefillah at Rinat.  Shabbat included more Divrei Torah, a Shiur, Zmirot, Oneg (generously hosted by the Winds), and games ALL created and led by the girls in 7th grade.

A highlight on shabbos was when the girls broke into three groups to have shabbos lunch with their teachers.  One group went to Mrs. Sheinfeld with Ms. Chanales,  another group to Mrs. Kurtz with Mrs. Solomon, and the last group went to Rabbi Hagler with Morah Shira Greenspan and Mrs. Troodler.  Each   group ate the delicious lunch prepared by the girls and enjoyed each other's company in a more intimate setting.  Mrs. Sheinfeld said it best and Mrs. Kurtz and Rabbi Hagler strongly seconded her sentiments:
" Last night was amazing, but lunch today blew it out of the water. The girls were so kind, caring, giving, and courteous. The sang, the talked, they did math problems (obviously) and parsha riddles. We had such a great time and I loved being able to sit at one big table with so many of them! Thank you for the opportunity and I can't wait to do it again! "

Shabbos ended with Mincha, a story (told by the girls), Maariv and Havdalah.  Right after Havdalah the girls made a presentation of a pancake maker to Rabbi Koslowe.  Rabbi Koslowe had made them pancakes when he was their Gemara teacher and they wanted him to know how much they appreciated him and would miss him next year. 

The shabbaton culminated Motzei Shabbat when the girls rejoined at school for a movie and icecream.

Kol hakavod to the girls in 7th grade and all their hard work.  They made the shabbaton the success it was!!!!