Thursday, February 27, 2014

Morah Shira Greenspan presents at Limmud!

Morah Shira Greenspan was a featured presenter at this year's Limmud NY, an annual weekend of interdenominational Jewish learning. Other presenters included Rabbi Kenny Brander, Rabbi Shai Held, Blu Greenberg and Abe Foxman. Morah Shira participated as part of the Holocaust education Track thanks to a generous grant from Holocaust survivor Fanya Gottesfeld Heller. At Limmud, Morah Shira ran a number of sessions about responding to resistance in the Shoah through art and uncovering the light in such a dark time in our national story.
The seventh grade girls of Yeshivat Noam were instrumental in preparing Morah Shira and helping to fine tune the project. Morah Shira expresses her tremendous hakarat hatov to her inspiring students.