Towards the end of this week, the seventh graders will be starting their legacy project. This in class project based learning activity is focusing on answering the question -What is a legacy? The students will be divided into groups, research a president, and will then write a resume based on their research. After they have spent time researching their president, they will try to come up with that president's legacy. They will then be creating an award based on his legacy, decide which of their contemporaries they will present it to, and come up with a presentation.
Today, the seventh graders had the privilege of listening to Rabbi Ari Zahtz who introduced to the students the concept of creating a legacy. He started out by talking about Aharon Hakohen's legacy and ended off with a beautiful R' Paysach Krohn story of boys letting a special needs boy hit a baseball at the end of an intense game.
I am looking forward to an amazing unit!
Mrs Kurtz