Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Chumash - Mrs. Benjamin 6th Grade
Mrs. Benjamin's 6th grade Chumash class has gotten off to a fantastic start! Students began the year by reviewing Chumash skills that are essential when learning Chumash, both as a group and independently. All students displayed a true sense of excitement towards beginning Parshat Yitro. Using the website Themercava.com
, students were able to interact with the posukim on an in depth level. After posukim were read aloud from a Chumash, students took turns to highlight portions of the posukim on the smart-board in order to break down different parts of the text and translate it to English. Students color coded both the prefix and suffix in many words and underlined shorashim. This activity provided students with a hands on approach towards learning Chumash and was enjoyed by all !