Yeshivat Noam commemorated 9/11 with two very meaningful programs. In the morning, 5th-8th graders gathered in the middle school gym to learn about the events of that fateful day. Additionally, they were honored to hear from David Gluck, brother-in-law of 8th grade science teacher Mrs. Barbara Seghal. Mr. Gluck, who worked on the 11th floor of one of the Twin Towers, told stories about 9/11, including how he carried several people down numerous flights of stairs to safety.
In the afternoon, the Yeshivat Noam Middle School gathered in the Beit Knesset for an inspiring program to learn about the term “Meaningful Adjacency.” Through discussions with peers, presentations from teachers, and enlightening videos, the students learned how the designers of the 9/11 memorial placed the names of the victims on the monuments. Names were placed not at random or alphabetical order, but were specifically placed next to individuals that they worked with or next to people that they had unique relationship with.
To help concertize this idea, students heard an emotional presentation from the family of Mr. Abe Zelmanowitz. Mr. Zelmanowitz, a worker on the 27th floor at the World Trade Center, decided to stay in the building with his friend Mr. Ed Beyea, a quadriplegic who was not able to go down the stairs. The family spoke of his amazing qualities and how he was a true Mekadesh Shem Shamayim, someone who sanctifies the Name of God. The students were truly inspired by this unique story. Yeshivat Noam must thank Facing History and Ourselves, who with our new partnership, was able to bring the Zelmanowitz family to the school. Abe Zelmanowitz 1946- 2001 |
Mr. David Gluck carrying a woman out of the building on 9-11 |